IRUSB version 2 features our uWave PIR motion sensor
This PIR (passive infrared) sensor can detect moving warm objects (people, pets, etc)
The sensor is more sensitive in the direction inline with the cable. It is recommended to install IRUSB such that the sensitive direction is in the expected direction of motion.
Modes of operation
1. Motion trigger mode
- Device will go to the ON state (and fire a ON trigger) when motion is detected
- Device will go to the OFF state (and fire a OFF trigger) when motion is NOT detected
- Motion trigger mode is usually used for short to medium range live object motion detection triggers
2. Toggle mode
- Device will toggle state (and fire a ON or OFF trigger) when motion is detected
- Toggle mode is usually used for turning devices ON and OFF using a hand wave at < 2 ft
Filters and sensitivity
1. ON / OFF sensitivity
- Value from 0 to 31, with 0 is the most sensitive
- Values < 2 are not recommended as they often create false triggers
- 2 is approximately 10 ft. 20 is a good setting for hand wave triggers.
- ON sensitivity controls ON->OFF transition (sensitivity when in ON state).
- OFF sensitivity controls OFF->ON transition (sensitivity when in OFF state).
2. ON filter
Filter settings for the OFF->ON transition
- 0 = no filter
- 1 = disable ON detection for 5 seconds after an OFF switch
- 2 = disable ON detection for 10 seconds after an OFF switch (recommended setting)
- 3+ = as (2), but also require motion for X seconds. Note this will delay the trigger by X seconds
3. OFF filter
Filter settings for the ON->OFF transition
- 0 = no filter
- 1 = disable ON detection for 5 seconds after an ON switch
- 2 = disable ON detection for 10 seconds after an ON switch (recommended setting)
- 3+ = as (2), but also require no motion for X-2 minutes. Note this will delay the trigger by X-2 minutes
3. LED config
Bit field for configuration
- bit 0 = disable OFF warning LED flash (recommend=1)
- bit 1 = disable ON LED (recommend=1 if using sensitivity < 8)
- bit 2 = reserved (set=0)
- bit 3 = LED debug mode (set=0)
- bit 4 = reserved (set=0)
- bit 5 = reserved (set=0)
- bit 6 = enable TOGGLE mode
- bit 7 = disable IR TX LED
Trigger Actions
1. Auto HID or IR codes
Auto HID codes are sent via USB on motion triggers
Auto IR codes are sent via the IR TX on motion triggers
- Auto codes are saved in flash memory, and do not need to be connected to our IRUSB app to function.
2. Cloud triggers
Cloud triggers are executed by the IRUSB app and/or on motion triggers
Configure cloud triggers via your account
- Cloud triggers require connection to the IRUSB app to function.
3. C4 / RTI triggers
Control systems triggers are executed by the C4 / RTI driver via their connection to the IRUSB app
Configure via your control system and our drivers
- Control system triggers require connection to the IRUSB app to function.
Configuring IRUSB
1. Configure using IRUSB app (manually)
- Connect IRUSB to an Android device running our IRUSB app
- Select the deviceID for this IRUSB, and click configure motion
- Set the config values using the GUI. Settings are saved in flash memory on the IRUSB device.
2. Configure using SplashTiles
- Create an IRUSB device profile in the account
- Connect IRUSB to an Android device running our IRUSB app
- Select Autoconfig via SplashTiles in the IRUSB app
- Attach the IRUSB device to your SplashTiles account
- Add this IRUSB device to the desired IRUSB profile (splashtiles account)
- Select Autoconfig via SplashTiles in the IRUSB app again
- Select configure motion in the IRUSB app to verify the settings were synced
3. Configure using C4 / RTI driver
- Connect IRUSB to an Android device running our IRUSB app
- Connect the C4 / RTI driver to the IP address of the Android device
- Use the driver commands to configure the motion settings
1. Hand wave to turn on / off (default mode)
- ON sensitivity = 18
- OFF sensitivity = 18
- ON filter = 2
- OFF filter = 2
- LED config = 0x41
2. Short range motion trigger with filter
- ON sensitivity = 3
- OFF sensitivity = 3
- ON filter = 2
- OFF filter = 5
- LED config = 0x03